The Forest Befriending Mutants

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Quick tutorial on how to join cannibal tribes in the game The Forest.

  1. The Forest Befriending Mutants In Real Life
  2. The Forest New Mutants
  3. The Forest Mutants List

This is the rewrite of the little girl and the mutants. I watch the Ultimate Avengers, Spiderman and Hulk and the Agent of SMASH. They were awesome and the crossover will be them and Max Steel only because I don't know James Bond or Alex Rider. Gabriel, thank you for you explanation and I hope you all like this.

Summary: Quinn and Val were at the grand opening for the new Jurassic World Ski/Tropical Resort. They thought it would be okay but they didn't know that they were now the adopted 'hatchlings' to a giant mutant Komodo dragon name Kaila. They will face many mutants and befriending at the way and meeting the HEAT Seekers and also facing an alien race that wants power. Their lives couldn't get any weirder.

Chapter 1: Komodithrax

At a deserted snowy island, with a volcano that has tropical forest inside. There was a Ski Resort on the snowy area and a Tropical resort on the jungle area. There were ferry docks and an airplane landing area. This island was owned by Simon Masrani. He got this idea from Quinn and Val and asked Wu to make prehistoric mammals and he agrees as long he doesn't act like a God.

The land was separated. Herbivores are in the north and south of the island while Carnivores were on the east and west of the island. Val and Quinn were sent on a field trip there to watch the grand opening of the resorts with Monica. Snow, Spinny and Ingrid stayed behind because they have a lot of work to do as well as the others. Val and Quinn dressed up fancy clothes for the grand opening of the resort. Quinn wears a yellow long sleeve dress while Val wears a blue with long sleeve dress. Monica wears a brown bow on her head. They were in the tropical part of the resort as Simon came to stage, 'It is with great pride that I present you the Jurassic Resort!' he said as he let Val and Quinn cut the golden ribbon. Once they did, the audience cheered. They all enter the building and enjoy the party. Val and Quinn were sitting on the sofa while Simon was being congratulated by some rich people. They were impressed by Simon's new resort. Val and Quinn decided to get something to eat in the buffet table. They watched as many rich people come in and enjoy the resort even the famous Tony Stark was there to enjoy the view.

Val takes a bite from her chocolate cake as she looks out of the window. Inside of the island was warm and was filled with many tropical plants and trees while the outside was filled with ice and snow. She then felt something. She felt a presence somewhere. Quinn looks at Val and taps her head. Val snaps out of her trance and looks at Quinn with a questionable look. 'What?'

'You kinda zone out there Val.' Quinn said. Her voice was filled with concern, 'Are you okay?'

Val nodded and smiled, 'Yup, it's just that…I thought I felt something.' She looks at the window again to see some birds fly by.

'Excuse me?' they heard Tony's voice. They turn to see Tony Stark looking at them, 'Are you two the young famous members of the D-Squads?'

Quinn nodded, 'Yup and you're the famous Tony Stark aka Iron Man.'

Tony chuckles at her, 'Guilty as charge.' He said, 'So, what's bring two here?'

The Forest Befriending Mutants In Real Life

'Mr. Masrani wanted us to host in the grand opening. No big deal.' Quinn answered casually. Tony nodded and had a little conversation with the girls about their home while they asked about the superheroes. The party was over until dark and everyone went to their rooms. Tony went back to New York because there was something about a villain that is destroying the city. Val and Quinn shared the same room. It was light brown with two beautiful blue beds. There was a flat screen TV, a computer. There is a bathroom that was big and a mini fridge. Val was at the balcony wearing her blue nightgown. Monica was sleeping in her bed while Quinn watched her favorite show about the Hulk and the Agent of Smash sponsor by the A-Bomb. Quinn never sees them as monsters, rather more as heroes.

Val still feels something wrong and she wanted to find out. Val went to bed along with Quinn. Val stayed up until past her bedtime. Once she did, she quietly gets out of bed and silently puts on a cute blue winter coat, with a red long sleeve shirt, white leggings, black winter boots, white gloves, red scarf, and a black beanie hat. She slowly sneaks out to the balcony and transforms into a humming bird and took off to the snowy area but Val failed to notice that Quinn open a single aye and glance at the window with a smile planted on her face.

Val made it to the snowy are and turns back to her human form. She looks around before walking towards the direction towards the presence. She carefully walks towards it but stops and pants out some cold air escaping to her mouth. Then something touched her shoulder. Val yelps and turns around to see Quinn.

Quinn is wearing a red winter jacket, dark green buggy pants, gray winter boots, red gloves, and a black beanie hat. Val saw Quinn's grappling hook attached to a belt and she has a backpack filled with heavy equipment.

Quinn looks at Val with a stern look, 'And where do you think you're going?' she asked the little girl. Val let out a nervous laugh but then sighs in defeat.

'I felt something wrong and I need to check it out.' Val told Quinn the truth.

Quinn looks at her and softens before patting's Val's head, 'Okay, just tell me what's going on, okay?' Val nodded, 'So, where do we go Val?'

The Forest New Mutants

Val points at the direction on where they needed to go. Quinn and Val were able to get there with a saber-tooth tiger that Val named Lala. Lala runs through the thick snow with ease as she reaches to a fissure. Quinn and Val got off of her before Lala runs back to her pack. Quinn and Val carefully went down their with Val's shadow powers. Once they reach safely, Quinn took out her flashlight and looks around. 'So…where is this mysterious feeling that you're getting?' Quinn asked. There was no answer from Val. Quinn turns to the little girl, 'Val? Are you okay?'

Val didn't answer as she walks forward. Quinn follows her. The two girls walked forward. Val didn't notice the broken egg with a skeleton of a baby like dinosaur. Quinn shudders before following Val. The walked until they reach their destination. Quinn gasps in shock when she saw was a giant female Komodo dragon. She is 60 meters tall and she appears to be in sleeping.

'Weird,' Quinn mutters. Val went to the body and let a small tear fell from her eye. It landed on the law of the Komodo dragon and it changed her. Dark blue fire markings appeared on her arms, legs and tail. Quinn was amazed but noticing Val almost collapse. She caught her and puts Val in her back. Quinn studies the wall of the ice. There were claw marks there and she guessed that the female was able to slow down her fall so she won't have a heavy crash landing.

The Forest Mutants List

Quinn looks at the sleeping mutant before walking away with Val on her back. Quinn walks back to the place where she and Val went down but then stop when she felt something wrong. Quinn quickly hides behind a block of ice. She peeks out while holding a sleeping Val close. The ground shakes and something came out from the corner. It was a giant male snapping turtle. He has a spiky shell and small red eyes. He appears to be searching for food and she and Val are easy targets. Quinn holds Val close as she looks ahead to see a path. Quinn took a deep breathe before exhaling. She stood up with Val on her back. 'Hang on Val.' She thought before she went forward and turns at the ice block before running forward and jumps at the ice block before jumping high towards the turtle. The turtle watched as Quinn came to view but he didn't know that Quinn landed on his head hard. He felt like being hit by a rock! Then Quinn jumps again but higher and was out of reach by the turtle. She landed on the snow before running to the path. The turtle was able to focus and chased after the two young girls. Quinn kept running with Val sleeping on her back.

'Why is Val such a heavy sleeper?' Quinn thought but she kept her task in hand in order to escape the giant turtle. The turtle was able to catch up to Quinn since he is bigger and somewhat faster but the girl was able to lose by making tight turns. But Quinn skids to a halt because she and Val are in a dead end. Heavy footsteps where coming and Quinn whirls back to see the turtle coming. Growling, Quinn puts Val at a nearby rock as she face the giant turtle.

'Martial arts training, don't fail me now!' Quinn mutters out as she readies herself. The turtle roars before charging at Quinn. Quinn readied herself-

Then suddenly, a tail came out nowhere and hits the turtle in the face hard. The turtle falls backward in pain as he struggles to get up. Then suddenly a dark blue fire came and hits the wall. Many heavy ices fell and a really sharp one stabs the giant turtle in the stomach. Quinn gasps in horror as the turtle let out a silent cry of pain as he dies.

All mutants in the forest

Quinn backs away before looking at her savior. She saw was the Komodo dragon female. The female tilts her head before going towards Quinn and lowers her snout and sniffs at her. Quinn looks at the mutant in amazement as she sniffs at Quinn and she smells like her. The Komodo dragon realizes that Quinn must be her hatchling. The mutant started nuzzling Quinn tenderly. Quinn smiles and pats the Komodo dragon in the head, 'Hmm, I think I should name you…Kaila.' Quinn smile.

Kaila purrs at her before looking at Val. She sniffs at the sleeping little girl before nuzzling her. Val let out a cute groan as she shifted in her sleep and Kaila then believes that Val is her other hatchling. Quinn went over to Val and picks her up before looking at Kaila, 'Can you give us a ride?'

Kaila tilts her head before wrapping Quinn around her waist with her tail before using her sharp claws at the walls and climbs up. Quinn smiles as she holds a sleeping Val. As Kaila reaches to the top, she gently puts Quinn down before nuzzling her and a sleeping Val.

'You should go. There are many people with guns that will hurt you.' Quinn said. Kaila tilts her head. She doesn't want to leave her new hatchlings alone but she remembers those humans that attacked her and her mate. Crooning, Kaila nuzzles them one last time before going back to fissure. Smiling, Quinn went back to the hotel with Val sleeping on he back. She was lucky to get back with the help of Lala. She wanted to check the girls to see them if they are okay.

On the next day, Val woke up in her bed with a yawn as Val stretches her little body and rubs her eyes. She looks around to see she was in the hotel room with Quinn. Quinn was getting dress for the day while Monica eats the breakfast that the servants brought them. Val gets out of bed as she notices that she is wearing her nightgown. Shrugging, Val changes into her blue long sleeves dress and grey boots. Val asked what happen and Quinn explains everything to her making the little girl amaze.

As she and Quinn and Monica went out and explores the jungle. Once they went to the balcony café, they saw many tourists pointing at something. Curious, the two girls went towards the edge and gasp to see Kaila at the jungle looking at the humans curiously.

'Oh no!' Quinn's eyes widen in shock. Why is Kaila here?! Didn't she tell the mutant to stay hidden?! But Quinn didn't know that Kaila wanted to see her hatchlings again. Kaila saw a panicked Quinn and a curious Val. She croons happily to see her hatchlings again. She went towards the while making the ground shakes a bit. All the tourists run back inside while Quinn and Val watched as Kaila came to them and croons happily.

'Kaila!' Quinn mutters out in panic, 'You're not supposed to be here!'

Kaila tilts her head curiously. Why wouldn't her oldest hatchling want her here? Because of the humans being scared? Simon was at the door as he cleared his throat. All eyes were at him as Quinn turn to Kaila, 'Stay here. We'll be right back.' She said as she and Val went to Simon.

The rich man looks at them and asked, 'There better be an explanation for this.'

'Shewasinafissureandshesavedusfromagiant turtle!' Val answered really fast.

Simon looks at her in confusion and blinks at her, 'What?'

'Long story short, Kaila,' Quinn points at the mutant, 'Saved our lives from a giant turtle when Val could feel her.'

Then Kaila lowered her head and nudges the two girls. The two girls looked up at Kaila as she croons at them lovingly before nuzzling them. Quinn looks at Simon, 'And she thinks we're her babies.'

Simon was amazed on what he was hearing and everyone was amazed and shock to see that a giant mutant fell in love with two little girls. Val looks at them and asked, 'Can we keep her?'

Done with the rewrite and Gabriel I'll try to make the MLP Equestrian Girl thing with your idea and the artificial intelligence named Kipling is she a girl cyborg or something? Because I really wanted to know what she can do.

Posted by1 month ago

Gta 5 online play. So if most of you haven't noticed most mutants react to noise instead of seeing you. With the exception of the grey ones which seem to have a sixth sense and can spot you without you making a peep.

The forest mutant types

Anyways as you know the armys flails its arms violently devastating anything in its path. For that reason he is great for knocking trees down since he one shots them and they turn to logs. I baited it by using a spear and tapping on a tree near it, it will run towards you wait for it to swing and back up. Rinse and repeat and you'll have a bunch of logs in no time. You can also use a chainsaw, but let's be honest this is more fun and it doesn't cost fuel.