Sudo Command Not Found
I am trying to deploy django app.When I print apt-get update
I see
Installing a package: sudo apt-get install. Removing a package: sudo apt-get remove. Updating a package: sudo apt-get update. Upgrading a package: sudo apt-get upgrade. For information about the command: apt-get help apt-get: command not found Check your operating system; The APT packages are used in Debian operating systems and its.
When I print sudo apt-get update
I see
I tried to use su
instead of sudo
.But it is strange. For example I print su apt-get update
And nothing happensI just see a new line,
The same if I try to install some packages.What do I do?
If it is useful info - I am using Debian
Tomasz3 Answers
By default sudo is not installed on Debian, but you can install it. First enable su-mode:su -

Install sudo by running:apt-get install sudo -y
After that you would need to play around with users and permissions. Give sudo right to your own user.
usermod -aG sudo yourusername
Make sure your sudoers file have sudo group added. Run:visudo
to modify sudoers fileand add following line into it (if it is missing):
You need to relogin or reboot device completely for changes to take effect.
Since it's a commercial server you won't have access to root account nor be able to operate with root privileges. This means you won't be able to run sudo
nor install packages. What you can try to do is:
Check if you have access to a compiler and compile what you want for yourself and in your home space.
Check if you can run a virtual machine. This might let you run your private instance of an OS, on which you would install packages.
Bash Sudo Command Not Found Windows
TomaszTomaszSudo Command Not Found Mac Recovery
and sudo
are two different, but related commands. It is unusual for sudo
not to be installed, but it may simply not be in your Path. Try /usr/bin/sudo command
If indeed sudo
is not available, you need as you surmised to use su
, but it does not work in the same way as sudo
. The simplest way to use it is to simply run:
This will ask you for the root
user's password, at which point you should probably apt install sudo
, log out of the root shell, and then proceed as normal.
Mind that unlike sudo
, which asks you for your password, su
will ask you for root's password.
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I've been updating some of the default profile for bash, and saw from the tutorials I was following that I could reload the new profile with the new environment settings by using:
The only thing is - the new environment variables were only available to my current user - and were ignored when I used sudo. They only became available to sudo when I closed my terminal session and rejoined.
When I try to use:
I get the error:
Is there a simple way to load in the new bash profile settings for sudo without having to close the terminal and restart?
--Initially, I was using some installer scripts which referenced the variables. I found that while they could access the variables when I called the scripts directly (although, this would cause a later problem with creating directories as I needed to be root), calling the install scripts using sudo wouldn't.
I proved this by testing with these simple commands:
Sudo Command Not Found Centos
The first would output the variable's value, but the second wouldn't output anything.
Braiam6 Answers
The problem is that source
is a bash build-in command (not a program - like ls
or grep
). I think one approach is to login as root and then execute the source command.
The problem is not that source
is a shell builtin command. The fact that it is is what's actually throwing you the command not found
error, but it doesn't mean it would work if it were.
The actual problem is how environment variables work. And they work like this:every time a new process is started, if nothing happens, it inherits the environment of its parent. Due to this, using a subshell (e.g. typing bash
inside a bash instance) and looking at the output of env
should give similar results than its parent.
However, due to how sudo
works (as stated in its manpage), sudo tries to strip the environment of the user and create a 'default' environment for the supplanting user, so that the command run is run as if the user who invoked it had been the calling user (which is the expected behaviour), and thus running nautilus as sudo nautilus
should open a folder at the /root
folder, and not /home/yourusername
Doing something like sudo source
and then sudo command
, even if it worked, it wouldn't be successful at setting any variable to the later sudo command
In order to pass environment variables, you can either tell sudo to preserve the environment (via the -E
switch; and having appropriate permissions in your sudoers file) and/or setting it for the command as sudo VAR1=VALUE1 VAR2=VALUE2 command
As Marcos says, your main problem here is that source
is a shell builtin command that affects only the shell process in which it's run.
The easy solution is to just start a new shell as root, and bash will automatically read /etc/bash.bashrc
when it starts. That's as simple as just saying
Closing and reopening the terminal should not change things. By default, sudo strips the environment. To disable that, add -E to sudo.
psusipsusiThe error happens because the binary you are trying to call from command line is only part of the current user's PATH variable, but not a part of root user's PATH.
You can verify this by locating the path of the binary you are trying to access. In my case I was trying to call 'bettercap-ng'. So I ran,
I checked whether this location is part of my root user's PATH.
So sudo cannot find the binary that I am trying to call from commandline. Hence returns the error command not found.
You can direct sudo to use the current user's PATH when calling a binary like below.
In fact, one can make an alias out of it:
It's also possible to name the alias itself sudo, replacing the original sudo.
Thomas Ward♦