Cross Mods Fallout 4
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(Yes that really is me Singing and Yes I created all of this from Scratch) Feedback Welcome!
HOLD UP! THIS LIST IS VERY OLD! It should be used as a tool for learning how to install mods, not a definite list or 100% functioning one!
So first and foremost, I would like to apologize to the modding community for not keeping up with this or at least not a recent update. I absolutely appreciate anyone that has checked out my music thus far, and anyone that has used this guide as a learning tool. This entire time I have been teaching myself music production and animation and am finally at a point where I can do it all professionally. I will still try to put some time aside in the future to put a fresh twist on this guide, but until then just use it to learn, I highly doubt it still functions entirely.
Also check out the Ultimate Fallout 4 Mod Compilation [Neon Wasteland Edition] (Under Heavy Construction)
Notice: The Change Log will only hold the Last Five Days that Updates were applied so check back often! It is Important too keep in mind that just because a mod has been Removed does not mean it should be considered a bad mod. It simply means that I found something that was more my Preference. If it made this list before I assure you the mod is a Great mod!
Change Log: Major Update Completed on[4-28-16]
(If you choose to Update your mods. Make sure you still follow the Installation Directions and place them back in the Load OrderCorrectly!)
(I am Not Adding any more Settlement mods until I do another Update which will not be anytime soon. If I add more mods they will be Textures or something Mind-Blowing.)
Updates [11-12-16]: Updated above information about the next update!
Updates [7-3-16]: Removed Scrapper Range Extension from the list.
Updates [6-8-16]: Added Delightful Dead Fish to the Structure/Item/Armor/Weapon/Other section.
Updates [5-24-16]: Added Black Hunter Armor to the Structure/Item/Armor/Weapon/Other section.
Updates [5-20-16]: Added Glowing Children of Atom Armor to the Structure/Item/Armor/Weapon/Other section.
Compilation Color Key:
<>Title or Menu (To help you Navigate and find what you are looking for!)
<>Notices (Pay Attention, these are always Important and you will Benefit from the Information!)
<>Mod Titles (They are all Linked to their corresponding URL!)
<>Mod Author Names and User-Names (Recognition for all their hard work!)
<>Important Words (Highlighted for Importance!)
<>Overwrite Directions (Yes to All is my Favorite!)
AWord Too The Mod Authors: First and foremost, Thank You so much for all your hard work. I do my best to Notify each Mod Author when I put one of your mods into this Compilation and I have received nothing but Appreciation thus far. I did not expect for this list to keep growing without problems like it has and I have worked since the day I started this list to ensure that I do not miss any Unique and Compatible mods that come out.
I would greatly Appreciate it from here on out if you could throw a Link my way on your Mod Description Tab so that more people can find this list. In return I willLink yourProfile to yourNamenext to your mod in the list! (Notify me when you put it up!) This Guide has helped many people to better understand Load Orders and Compatibility and that is my Main Motivation behind Continuation of this project.
My Hardware:

AMD FX™-8320 Eight-Core Processor 3.76 GHz
12 GB Ram (I set VRam at 20000)
GeForce GTX 960
64 Bit Operating System
Solid State Drive
I run the game on Ultra settings. (Switch to High settings and you won't notice a difference, but your Load Times will get better!)
Advice: I would Highly Recommend that you go through this list and Download the mods you are going to use Before starting to Install anything. This could turn 4 hours of work into 1 or less. If you do not wish to use ENB or a Shader, just start from Step 2.
I would also Recommend that you use a Fresh Install of Fallout 4 (see How To Perform A Fresh Install below) to Prevent Fragments of any mods you have previously used from clashing with the mods on this list. When Uninstalling mods using the Nexus Mod Manager, remember to Disable them first, then right click the mod and Uninstall.
Don't forget to check out the Tips For This List section at the bottom of this forum. It will help you decide exactly how you want your Fallout 4 Experience to go!
How To Perform AFresh Install:
1. Right Click the Tools Tab in the Nexus Mod Manager, and select Uninstall All Active Mods.
2. Delete Local Game Content on Steam.
3. Navigate to your Main Fallout 4 Folder which is usually located in Program Files/Steam/SteamApps/Local and Delete the Fallout 4 Folder.
4. Install Fallout 4 through Steam.
5. Always Start your game up once Before modding it!
Note: You do not need too use a Shader.
Step 1: Install Shader. This is very easy to do. Just follow the Tutorial found at the bottom of the Mod Description Tab. My Personal Preference is:
Cinematic Excellence ENB By: ArchalyusCinematic Version
(Installation Directions have been Updated until the next version is launched!)
Open enblocal.ini and under [MEMORY] make this change: VideoMemorySizeMb=20000
After Installation, there are Options in game:
Shift+F12 will toggle ENB
Scroll Lock will toggle your Shader
Page Up will toggle between Cinematic and Natural Version. (Only if you install Cinematic Version)
I personally run with ENB - Off/Natural Version(No Dark Film Affect)
I would Recommend that you start your game and test the Options listed above to make sure you have Installed everything correctly Before moving on. It should be Noted that ENB will make your game Very Dark, but Beautiful. You can play with ENB switched Off if you find it hard to see. You can still use your Shader with ENB switched Off.
Step 2: Install Environment, Sky, and Clean Up textures.
Important: Always select the Download (MANUAL) button and then select the Download (NMM) button of the specific file you want. Most of them will have one main file, some are slightly more specific. I have included easy to follow Directions for the more specific ones.
Feel free to skip any mods that are Manual Install only, but if you wish too Install them the Installation Instructions can usually be located somewhere on the Mod Description Tab.
The Load Order is the same as the Install Order, although some ESP's may move around on their own. Without testing anything during Installation I am easily able to follow this entire list and play the game exactly as Installed. I don't personally use LOOT for Fallout 4 but from my Understanding it is Recommended by many.
Environment/Sky/Clean Up Textures:
FAR - Faraway Area Reform (LOD) By: SparrowPrince
WET - Water Enhancement Textures By: SparrowPrince Installer - Select Main Files/Clearer
Better Quarry Sites By: LucidAPs
All Trees Have Leaves By: cip3000Spring Version
Realistic Roads By: SpiffyskytrooperOverwrite - Yes too All
Vivid Fallout - Landscapes By: Hein844K VersionOverwrite - Yes too All
Vivid Fallout - Rocks By: Hein842K Version
Tookie's Textures - Grass and Plants By:tookiejonesOverwrite - Yes too All
Grasslands - A Fallout 4 Grass Overhaul By: Doodlezoid
Vivid Fallout - Trees By: Hein844K VersionOverwrite - Yes too All
Commonwealth Trash Removal Overhaul By: dirintOverwrite - Yes too All
Clean Settlement - Mess Removal By: KhorminInstaller - Select AllOverwrite - Yes too All
No More Halloween Decorations By: steve40
Delightful Ivy - HD Vine Retexture By: 83WillowMixed Colors VersionOverwrite - Yes too All
Remove Interior Fog By: AbbalovesyouMain File and DLC Versions
Fallout Texture Overhaul Stars By: Gorgulla1K Version
4K Moons By: mehrdadhot 4K Version 2
FO4 SUN By: ramccoid
True Storms - Wasteland Edition By: fadingsignal Installer - Select Standard for first 4 - Select No for last 2.
Darker Nights By: unforbidableInstaller - Select Light 4 - Select Vanilla for the rest
Darker Nights/True Storms Patch By: unforbidableIn the optional files! Installer - Select Light 4 Select - Standard Audio
Nuclear Weather By: densaleagionTrue Storms Version
Fallout 4 Enhanced Color Correction By: ChaosWWWOriginal Version
Step 3: Install Structure, Item, Armor, Weapon, and Other textures.
Structure/Item/Armor/Weapon/Other Textures:
HD Retexture Pack - Miscellaneous Props By: DrBrandt
Street Signs Retexture By: Worriedwalrus4K Version
Electrical Tower 8K 4K By: bubbliplop8K Version
Langleys Workshop By: langley02Overwrite - Yes too All
Jesters Better Destroyed Vehicles By: ThEjEsTeRoFeViL Overwrite - Yes too All
Really Red Rocket By: Elianora4K VersionOverwrite - Yes too All
Evil Institute By: bLaCkShAdOw
Shack Floors Re-Done 4K By: TheMatthewBeBright 4K VersionOverwrite - Yes too All
Improved Wood Textures By: aogaraInstaller - Select Floor/Wall Panels/Misc
Cleaner Concrete Structures - Wasteland Workshop By: TestarliveYour Preference Color Version
Better Doors By: tainted07Overwrite - Yes too All
4K Workstations By: DrBrandtHigh End VersionOverwrite - Yes too All
Pre-War Textures 4K By: TheMatthewBe
Flacon Oil 4X 2X FromScratch ReTexture By: FlaconoilInstaller - Select Everything(Besides Description) Overwrite - Yes too All
Better Nuka-Cola Machine By: DeviousMeth0ds4K Version
4K Ice Machine By: Wolf7808
4K Trash Bin By: Wolf7808Overwrite - Yes too All
Ojo Bueno Milk Vending Machine By: tapioks
Park Benches Rextured By: DeanomanInstaller - Select Your Preference
Better Computer Terminals By: Jomla974K Standard Version
Alternate Desk Fan By: bunneh13 Installer - Select Default/Hammertone/Loading Screen
Minuteman Flag - Re-Colors By: McGee
Better Crates By: UberchargeOverwrite - Yes too All
Better Coolers By: TymoteusDarker Version
Metal Box 2K Retexture By: Deanoman
Metal Barrel Rextexture By: jorhadoq4K VersionOverwrite - Yes too All
Industrial Objects Retexture By: JunnariOverwrite - Yes too All
Red Rocket's Glare Redone - Lighting By: Ceaseless
Starlight Drive-In and Diner - Lighting By: CeaselessOriginal Version and Counter + Stool Add-On VersionOverwrite - Yes too All
Bus Stop Ads - Lighting By: CeaselessBrighter Version
Illuminated Billboards - Lighting By: Ceaseless/PDE
Fatman Crate Re-Texture By: Radulykan
Radio Redone 4K By: TheMatthewBeInstaller - Select Pine or Cherry - Select 4K Radio
Creepy Mannequins By: Reelo2228
Muggles Joints By: nerdofcolorCigarette ReplacerOverwrite - Yes too All
Subway and Library Tokens By: Deanoman
Ammo Retexture By: jorhadoq Installer - Select Your Preferences
Better Ammo Can By: DeviousMeth0dsVault-Tec Version
Black Vertibird By: Akalor
Realistic Pre-War Money By: ment2008100 Version
High Poly Immersive Bottlecaps By: TWFH1 Installer - Select 420 Dirty - Select Normal Size
Realistic Pool Balls HD By: mm137
Chrome Synth Armor By: SecretAgent99
Tron Inspired Vault Suit By: SethSaiph Older Files - LED Version(Your Color Preference)
Black Synth Uniform Recolor By: Akalor
Black or Dark Raider Armors By: Khilia
Black Road Leathers Recolor By: Akalor
Black Harness By: Piratekami
Robot Armor Retextured By: DeviousMeth0ds
Black Hunter Armor By: cpdark
Multicam Black Army Fatigues By: taereus
Metal Armor Black Re-Color By: agentbrea
Mechanist Armor Retextured By: DeviousMeth0ds
Better Coursers Pack By: Hematic
Wasteland Reaper By: taereus
Anodized Black Steel Combat Armor By: keithvsmith1977Any Color - Replacer VersionOverwrite - Yes too All
Glowing Children of Atom Armor By: mm137
Delmark's High-Res Sunglasses By: DelmarkInstaller - Select Your Preferences
4K HD Textures - Power Armor By: Coldchaos
Better Dials for Power Armor By: sanhedrinnBlue Version
Scratchmade - Combat Shotgun and Rifle By: Millenia
Polymer Stock Double-Barrel Shotgun By: Junnari
Better Reflective Pipe Weapons By: Billyro
10mm Pistol - Stahl Arms STA-20 By: SenyaTirallVersion 2.0
NCR Ranger Sequoia By: Rakul Older Files - Replacer Version
Chrome Laser Weapons By: mGlushedLaser Version Overwrite - Yes too All
Chrome Portedbarrel and Blackwood Huntingstock By: furzkugel
Gorgeous Glowing Plasma Weapons By: Diranar3.66 and 3.77 Versions (Install in that order) Installer - Select Your Color PreferenceOverwrite - Yes too All
Laserballs aka Plasma2Lasers By: DiranarInstaller - Select Normal
Simple Knife Re-Texture By: joshmans90
Cross Mods Fallout 4 Animated What Now
Nuka Cola Glow and Re-Texture By: Tymoteus Black Version
Nuka Cherry Glow and Re-Texture By: Tymoteus
Bun's Radioactive Glowing Fusion Core Retextures By: TheCinnamonBunMilitary VersionOverwrite - Yes too All
ETSGS By: herpderp2332 Installer - Select Legacy Green/Glowing Holotapes/Hair Edition
Easy To See Glowing Lunchboxes By: AsGAlligator
LED BLACK Pip-Boy Deluxe By: MegaTimX
Improved Map with Visible Roads By: mm137Installer - Select Your Preferences
Clean Black Pip-Boy Screen By: GodMod99Overwrite - Yes too All
Overseer Font Replacer By: lazyradly
Enhanced Blood Textures By: dDefinder Installer - Select Defaults/EBT-Default
Re-Textured Fire By: DirtyBadger
Prydwen 2K Textures By: tamu75
Delightful Dead Fish By: 83Willow
Armorsmith Extended By: Gambit77Main File + Automatron PatchOverwrite - Yes too All
Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource By: valdacil
Step 4: Install Creature and NPC textures.
Creature/NPC Textures:
Wasteland Creatures RedoneBy: DOOMBASEDMain File and Deathclaws Glow Versions Installer - Select All except for Bloatfly/Ghoul/Deathclaw/Mutant Hound
Radiant Birds By: indipindi
Cheshire Cats By: kenwardBlue Version
Crows and Creatures By: XazomnCrows Version
Ghost - White Dogmeat By: kirkieball
Jesters Better Bloatflys By: ThEjEsTeRoFeViL4K Version
Jesters Deathclaws By: ThEjEsTeRoFeViL
Glowing Animals Emit Light By: mm137
D.E.C.A.Y - Better Ghouls By: Thumblesteen
VamS - Vibrant and more Sharp DLC Robots By: Diranar
Better Settlers By: Thom293Installer - Select Better Settlers/No Lollygagging/Clean Face/Default/Vanilla
Caliente's Bodies Enhancer -CBBE- By: CalienteEnhancer and Outfits VersionsInstall Enhancer then OutfitsMain Installer - Select CurvyOutfits Installer - Select Vanilla/Automatron
Silky Smooth Skin By: dcar227Sweat and Oil VersionInstaller - Select Sweaty HeavyOverwrite - Yes too All
Valkyr Female Face and Body Textures By: Fuse00Face Version
Younger Male Face Texture By: mrjack900
Immersive Mouth and Teeth By: ClearanceClarenceInstaller - Select Type 2/2K
True Eyes - Fallout 4 Edition By: JimtownIrishOverwrite - Yes too All
Alternative Synth Eyes By: TwistedMethodViolet VersionOverwrite - Yes too All
Wasteland Salon - Hair Texture Improvement Mod By: Limo
Deeper Voice For Super Mutants By: AsterraType A5 Version
Aggressive Synth Voice Overhaul By: Ubercharge
Synth Overhaul - C.A.S.T By: MaaroTakai4K VersionInstaller - Select Normal VersionOverwrite - Yes too All
Tumbajamba's Power Armor for Strong By: tumbajambaInstaller - Select AWKCR - Standard
Curie Replace By: QuietTamriel
My Piper and Curie and Cait By: kjj92Piper and Cait Versions
Valentine REBORN By: 83Willow Overwrite - Yes too All
Preston Garvey Overhaul By: XGriffinH34rtxRecommended Version
Visible Companion Affinity By: cdanteInstaller - Select Your Language/01 No Decimals
Raider Overhaul WIP v9.0 By: MadMAX713Main File + Armor 4K Retexture Versions + Raider Overhaul PatchOverwrite - Yes too All
We Are The Minutemen By: TheFirstEnDBasic Version
Super Mutant Redux By: MadMAX713Main File + Quick Patch + Mutants and Raiders Patch
Leveled Spawns By: maudkon
Step 5: Install Settlement and Miscellaneous mods:
Settlement/Miscellaneous Mods:
Craftable Solar Panels/Fusion Reactors By: DDProductions83Panels Only Version
Craftable Ramps and Rails By: DDProductions83
Tookie's Tents and Tarps By: tookiejones Roof/Wall/Tarps/Fence VersionsOverwrite - Yes too All
Crafting Fury 9000 GTX By: Elianora
EoW - Pre-War Books Retexture By: EmissaryOfWindOverwrite - Yes too All
BlueBeers Buildables By: skubblebubble
Sandbags Defence Wall By: Eferas
Dog Bed for Dogmeat By: seafaringgentleman
Just Rugs By: friffy
Better Stores By: blazeda59Installer - Select Standalone
Settlement Keywords Independent By: DOOMBASEDMain File + Better Stores PatchOverwrite - Yes too All
Renovated Furniture By: aesfocusEverything Version
Beantown Interiors Project By: chucksteel
Grim Vaults - 111 By: countercruel
Cannabis Commonwealth By: MadNuttah/Virakotxa/DOOM/Gambit77SKMain File and Raider Overhaul Patch
Snappable Garden Plots By: DOOMBASED
Second World War British Air Raid Siren By: matboyler
DEF_UI By: Neanka/valdacilMain File+1.5 Patch+Automatron PatchInstaller - Select DEF_UI/DEF_INV/Your Language/16:9/Install Component Tags/Vanilla HUD/No Sorting ModOverwrite - Yes To All
Fr4nsson's Light Tweaks By: Fr4nsson
Brighter Settlement Lights By: Elvani Installer - Select Brighter
Brighter Wasteland Workshop Lights By: mm137
Legendary Lamps By: SpoonificoInstaller - Select Unidirectonal/Purple/200% No Shadows and Select - Brighter for Dim Lamps and Change Nothing Else
Quieter Settlements By: Lemures Installer - Just push Next and Finish
Cinematic Sounds - Complete Collection By: FosterInstaller - Select Shortest/Explosions/V1
Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul By: mm137Main File and Automatron Versions
Better Nuke Explosions By: nukeclearsNo Shadows Version
Shaikujin's Better Alerts By: Shaikujin Installer - Select Radiant and Settlements+/DLC01+
A Simple Mod - No Intro By: MeatBag101
Loot Detector - Corpse By: xatmosMain File + Your Color Preference VersionInstall Main then Color Preference Overwrite - Yes too All
Faster Terminal Displays By: Old Nick
Infinite Settlement Budget By: DDProductions83
Immersive Vendors By: XgfEnglish Version Installer - Select Option 1
Rich Merchants By: OverClocked56Less Caps Version
Automatron DLC Legendary Drops By: Old NickAutomatron DLC + Legendary Clothing Version
Center Snap-Point for Stairs By: modlurker
Better Armor Mod DescriptionsBy: TakaruMinariInstaller - Select Automatron
Better Weapon Mod Descriptions By: TakaruMinari Installer - Select Main/Automatron
Step 6: Install Optional mods.
Notice: These mods are Completely Optional but I Personally use them and find them enjoyable. I expect this list will grow substantially over the next year. Feel free too try them out and Suggest other mods that might fit nicely with this list.
Optional Mods:
Animated Mouse Cursor - The Institute By: xBloodTigerx
LunchBox Surprise By: Gawl40 Multi-Prize Version
Muggles Joints By: nerdofcolor Radio Version
Gunfetti Novelty Impact Decal Replacer By: KazFoxsen
Boss Chests Contain Legendaries By: StupidLemonEater
Minutemen Supply Caches By: countercruel
Tips For This List:
<> Don't smash the Quickload button every time you die! Rushing mechanics in any game can lead to the game Freezing!
<> If you ever get Stuck in the Animation Sequence while entering a Computer, push the ESC button! It should be fixed when you Un-Pause!
<> If you have Loading Issues you can always Switch out High-Res Textures for Lower-Res Textures of the same mod. (4K down to 2K)
<> If you prefer Game Quality over Settlement Building, don't Install any Settlement Mods. Your game will run Amazing!
<> If you are finding it Hard to See in Dark Areas or at Night. Switch ENBOff, and switch to the Natural Shader Palette!
<> Every time you Alt+Tab your game, your ENB will switch itself back On when you return to game.
Edited by Haoswidasee, 03 June 2019 - 07:47 AM.
Fallout 4, Bethesda's post-apocalyptic RPG became the first game on Xbox One to utilize mods on console. Mods are a coup for Xbox One users who want to alter their game, and there are mods for practically everything. There are so many to go through, so it can be hard to know where to start. We've compiled a comprehensive list of the most rewarding, interesting and weird mods available.
Any mods requiring additional content and DLC will say so.
You'll need to a make a Bethesda account to access the mods which you can do from within the game on your Xbox.
Note: Achievements are disabled while mods are active.
THE BIG ONE - Cheat Mode Ultimate Holotape Menu
This mod, while tiny in size, is freaking huge in terms of capability. Most people will probably look for this type of thing first. The Cheat Mod Ultimate Holotape offers all the standard things you might expect, God Mode, Unlimited Carry Weight, Infinite Ammo, Max Perk and S.P.E.C.I.A.L points. But it goes so much further than that: extra inventory slots, easy lockpicking and terminal access, add weapons (DLC if installed and base game), spawn enemies or settlers, add crafting materials... AND SO MUCH MORE!
This is the best place to start if you want to power your way through the game with little to stand in your way. It will always be in the top slot of your miscellaneous items menu, and the menu is accessed via your Pip-Boy and at any time. Perfect.
The Unofficial Patch
With a game as large as Fallout 4, there are bound to be hundreds of minor bugs. The Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch irons out as many kinks as could be found. It's a hefty mod, and requires being at the very top of your mod list to activate.
Improved Maps and Visible Roads
The Pip-Boy map can be a bit... gritty. Improved Maps with Visible Roads greatly increases the visibility of everything on the screen by a significant margin. The vibrancy of the lines are much brighter, and roads are now easier to see, making following a path or planning your route much easier.
Full Dialogue Interface
When someone speaks to you in the Commonwealth, you're given options of a couple of words for each dialogue choice. This mod stacks the dialogue options in full, so you can see in advance what your choices are and what the full response will be. This makes the dialogue options more in keeping with how they were in Fallout 3. The mod will also display the 'tone' of the choice, so if you're hoping to give a snappy response, it'll be clearly displayed with a 'tonal inflection' — no more accidental sarcastic responses to people you need to butter up.
Green in the Commonwealth
Green in the Commonwealth adds a boost of much-needed color to the Commonwealth environments. You could argue that after 200 years since the nuclear bombs dropped, at least some of the grass and leaves would probably have grown back in that time.
The Commonwealth is bleak and desolate much of the time, and Green in the Commonwealth adds extra greenery textures; including flowers, lush bushes, and plants. This mod is aesthetic only but certainly does add a level of immensity that some felt was lacking before.
Stronger Workshop Defenses
Stronger Workshop Defenses adds a lot stronger defense items to your workshop menus, and the great thing is, it requires no additional perks. If your survivor bases are suffering, you can throw down some insane turrets which will rip through any raiders that come knocking.
Scrap Everything
It's a little irritating when you're trying to build a settlement for survivors, and there are things that you can't remove to add one more desperately needed power generator. With Scrap Everything you can remove almost everything. If you wanted to strip a settlement to the bare rock and build from the bottom upwards, you can.
Beantown Interiors Project - Requires Far Harbor DLC
This is an interesting mod, in that some abandoned and boarded up buildings around the Commonwealth are now open and available to use. There are currently 12 newly opened buildings in and around the Commonwealth, being situated in Concord, Lexington, Forest Grove Marsh, and Jamaica Plains.
The Beantown Interiors Project concept of opening and using abandoned buildings was also used in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.
True Storms - Requires Far Harbor DLC
If you've played Fallout 4, you have probably encountered the weather systems. Radiation storms will ignite the skies with green lightning, causing the player to take radiation damage if they're caught outside. The True Storms mod adds new weather patterns, including radiation rain, dust storms, heavy fog or rain among other things. Interior sound effects for the weather have also been added.
Institue Portal Gun
This gun does exactly what it says on the tin. It's a gun, that you can use to travel to otherwise unreachable areas. Is there something hiding on top of that building? Whip out your Institute Portal Gun, take aim and fire to instantly move to the target. Planning on picking a pocket? Use your gun to create a quick getaway. Being chased by a Randy Savage Deathclaw (see below)? Use the gun for instant evasion! Or maybe you're over-encumbered and you've been looting the abandoned homes of the Commonwealth. Your pockets are full to bursting, and you just can't move. The gun solves this problem too!
Dauntless - Submarine Player Home - Requires Far Harbor DLC
Do you want your own submarine you can use as a base? Of course, you do! Dauntless is not only a player home, but you can drive it around! It's not quite a Winnebago, but a moveable home adds a layer of security to moving around the Commonwealth.
A Cannibal in Concord
Oh my word, this mod is macabre. If you want to inject a creepy and morbid vibe to your game, this mod A Cannibal in Concord adds a horror questline based on real cannibals and serial killers. Lurching off the standard quest path, this mod includes puzzles that will need the player to move things around and search for clues in a creepy basement. Companions are made to wait outside (the mod creator states this is because there isn't room for the player in amongst everything surrounding you) making this mod one of the eeriest and unsettling to play. And it's twisted to boot!
Macho Claws
Deathclaws are the number 1 cause of death in the whole Commonwealth. They're utterly terrifying — the huge jaws, the massive flesh shredding claws... What if we made them a little less scarier? With this mod, you can change the Deathclaws into WWE Superstar Macho Man Randy Savage. It's dumb as hell, but also hilarious. Download Macho Claws here.
Renovated Furniture
Tired of making semi-decent settlements and being disappointed by the threadbare assortment of furniture to kit them out with? Renovated Furniture inserts over 120 new pieces of furniture into the game that don't look like they have been pulled out of the garbage. Cleaner textures for tables, fridges, chairs, bookcases and more are all part of one tiny file. Radiation fallout is so tough to remove from upholstery...
Commonwealth Cuts
I might not be the only person who thinks the default hairstyles in Fallout (in general) are pretty terrible. They're ugly, boring and a crime against Commonwealth fashion. Commonwealth Cuts inserts lots of new hairstyles in the character creation menu. You'll never look back the greasy-looking default hair textures once you get your hands on Commonwealth Cuts.
Wasteland Creatures Redone
Wasteland Creatures Redone is a retexture mod for most of the lesser enemies and monsters found in Fallout 4. It is pretty large, more than 400mb, but it's great if you're bored of staring down the same old Mirelurks and Bloatflies, etc. A full list of the monsters retextured is in the link.
Submersible Power Armor
This power armor, inspired by the Big Daddies in Bioshock is totally kick-ass. It increases your carry weight, boosts your movement speed, and can even go underwater. Further to this, is has a cool lamp that comes in different colors to light up the depths. While there is one Power Armor set, it has different helmets that represent the different types of Daddies in Bioshock. It's a tank in human clothing. Get it here.
The Wild Wasteland
The Wild Wasteland was a trait from Fallout New Vegas that made exploration a little more unpredictable. Remember the 'Indiana Jones Found Dead in a Refridgerator' moment from New Vegas? That was down to The Wild Wasteland trait which brings random encounters and events, as well as odd items and easter eggs. This trait isn't in Fallout 4, but a mod has been made to emulate it.
Power armor brings such huge defense bonuses, but they require Fusion Cores to remain powered, and they're not always in plentiful supply. CROSS_Cybernetics allows you to create and equip a modular set of 'lite power armor' from its Cyber Crafting Bench, which can be added to settlements. The pieces can be individually upgraded and modded and come in a large range of colors. The best thing? No batteries required.

D.E.C.A.Y Better Ghouls
Ghouls are the highly mutated, radiation damaged humanoids that love to launch themselves at you in groups. They're pink, gross and their mouths gape disgustingly, but once you've fought one, you've fought them all. D.E.C.A.Y Better Ghouls adds variety in the ghoul's skin textures. Some will have moldy skin, exposed bones, missing parts and more. Ghouls are already pretty grim, and this mod adds an extra dollop of grossness.
Everyone's Best Friend
Dogmeat is undeniably the best four-legged companion of any game in recent years. Originally, you were going to be able to have Dogmeat in addition to one of the game's other companions, but this was changed before the final release of the game. Everyone's Best Friend mod allows you to have both Dogmeat and another regular companion follow you on your travels. Triple the attack power available, triple the fun, right?!
Nuka Cola Filler Machine
Bottles, bottles everywhere and not a drop to drink. This is a cool and interesting mod. The Commonwealth is stuffed with empty Nuka Cola bottles, and beyond scavenging them for glass materials, they're pretty useless. What if you could fill them back up with that life giving Nuka nectar? Now you can, with the Nuka Cola Filling Machine! Drop it into one of your settlements, ensure it's powered sufficiently, and fill away. The machine takes a bottle and a bottlecap and fills the bottle up with that sweet life giving liquid.
Dark Husky Dogmeat
Dogmeat again, I can't get enough of this pixellated pooch. This time, you can retexture him into a Dark Husky Dogmeat. The mod doesn't do anything else. It just gives him a fresh look!
Real Nights with Real Lights
If you wanted to be even more terrified at night in the Commonwealth, Real Nights with Real Lights is for you. This mod makes nights darker and increases the range of lights. Most natural light sources are turned way down, so if you're out in the wilderness and far from settlements, it's going to be nigh on pitch black.
Did we miss any of your favorite mods? Have you got one you think should be on the list? Let us know in the comments below!