Empire Total War Greece

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Move faction names to the playable list.

Empire total war greek mod free download. Total War Mod Manager A Mod Manager for the Total War series. The project will support all future iterations of the Total. These are from a mod that I'm guessing, never made it. It was created by a person in Hong Kong. The main download link is broken, however there is an update patch and text files patch (in english, as the original version was all in chinese) that has the names of the units. Total War: ARENAFactions. Renowned and storied, the Roman Empire blossomed from conquering its neighbours to almost dominating the entire world. Massive and well-equipped, the Romans are adept with the sword, javelin, artillery, field artillery, and cavalry units. Hearts of iron iv not responding.

The file should begin with a list of faction names, sorted underneath the words 'playable,' 'unlockable,' and 'nonplayable.' Select all factions underneath 'unlockable,' cut them from the document, and paste them into the list under 'playable.' Before you do the same for the factions underneath 'nonplayable,' read the following warnings:Greece startpos empire total warEmpire Total War Greece

Empire Total War Map

  • In the original campaign, the maximum number of playable factions is 20. Keep at least one faction underneath 'nonplayable' to avoid bugs.[2]
  • In the original campaign, most people experience frequent crashes when playing as the 'romans_senate' (SPQR) or 'slave' (rebels) factions. See Tips below for a possible workaround.
  • In the Barbarian Invasion, the following factions should be left under 'nonplayable' (they crash the game if you attempt to play as them): romano_british, ostrogoths, slavs, empire_east_rebels, empire_west_rebels, slave.[3]
  • Every faction name must have a 'Tab' indent in front of it, and should be the only word on its line.
Home 首頁 / Empire 1.3 帝國 1.3 / Great Britain
Rebel (american_rebels)
Rebel (british_settler_rebels)
Gran Colombia
Rebel (european_settler_rebels)
Rebel (french_settler_rebels)
Rebel (spanish_settler_rebels)
United States
Rebel (cossack_rebels)
Rebel (slavic_rebels)
Rebel (prussian_rebels)
Rebel (scandinavian_rebels)
Rebel (greek_rebels)
Rebel (italian_rebels)
Knights of St John
Naples & Sicily
New Spain
Italian States
Rebel (portugese_rebels)
Rebel (spanish_rebels)
Rebel (austrian_rebels)
Great Britain
Rebel (british_rebels)
Rebel (dutch_rebels)
Rebel (french_rebels)
United Provinces
Swiss Confederation
Thirteen Colonies
British Colonials
Virginia Colonists
Rebel (india_settler_rebels)
Maratha Confederacy
Rebel (maratha_rebels)
Mughal Empire
Rebel (mughal_rebels)
Rebel (sikh_rebels)
Rebel (barbary_rebels)
Barbary States
Crimean Khanate
Khanate of Khiva
Rebel (middle_east_settler_rebels)
Rebel (ottoman_rebels)
Ottoman Empire
Rebel (persian_rebels)
Rebel (amerind_rebels)
Cherokee Nations
Huron Confederacy
Inuit Nations
Iroquois Confederacy
Plains Nations
Powhatan Confederacy
Pueblo Nations
Great Britain
Faction Description 國家派系
Great Britain is not a natural creation, but the marriage of separate kingdoms and peoples. The new nation has been through a century of unparalleled turbulence: an unwelcome joining of Scotland and England; religious strife; civil wars; an executed king; military dictatorship; a populist monarch restored; and the overthrow of a second king. Less than 15 years ago, the hated Catholic James II was forced into exile in the Glorious Revolution and a Protestant monarchy restored. A short, vicious war in Ireland put paid to any chance of a Catholic Stuart restoration. Nonetheless, the exiled James Stuart has sympathisers, the Jacobites, throughout Britain. Despite – or perhaps because of – this turbulent history, Britain is an engine driving the scientific and cultural advancement of northern Europe: turmoil fuels creativity.
As an island nation, Britons have always looked to, as Shakespeare puts it:
“…the silver sea,
Which serves it in the office of a wall,
Or as a moat defensive to a house…”
Britain’s strength lies at sea, but in trade and colonisation as much as naval power. Trade taxes pay for the navy; the navy allows unhindered trade. The English Channel keeps the French at bay and, to a lesser extent, the Dutch. With Dutchman William III on the British throne, there is ambivalence in the traditional rivalry with the Netherlands!
The English and Scots like to think that they can sleep safe, that no foreign invader or tyranny need worry them. They are partly right, but only as long as there is no centralised Continental power. A nation that can unite the resources of Europe will surely crush the dream of Albion. This, then, is the fundamental aim of Britain: to side with the weak in Europe against the strong – and steal as many overseas possessions as possible while doing it!
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Popular units 受歡迎兵種
The Black Watch
Elite Infantry

The reputation of these elite soldiers and the example they set provides encouragement to comrades nearby.
The Black WatchInfantry 步兵1220300
144 ratings 個評分 Legendary unit 極度推薦
The reputation of these elite soldiers and the example they set provides encouragement to comrades nearby.
HMS Victory
Over 1st Rate

HMS Victory is a first rate ship of the line, carrying some 100 guns and a crew of more than 800 men.
HMS VictoryLine of battle 戰列艦47401180
156 ratings 個評分 Great unit 非常推薦
HMS Victory is a first rate ship of the line, carrying some 100 guns and a crew of more than 800 men.
Coldstream Guards
Elite Infantry

The reputation of these elite soldiers and the example they set provides encouragement to comrades nearby.
Coldstream GuardsInfantry 步兵1190290
107 ratings 個評分 Great unit 非常推薦
The reputation of these elite soldiers and the example they set provides encouragement to comrades nearby.
Ferguson Riflemen
Light Infantry

Ferguson Riflemen are scouts and snipers, who harass the enemy by targeting officers and leaders.
Ferguson RiflemenInfantry 步兵840210
92 ratings 個評分 Great unit 非常推薦
Ferguson Riflemen are scouts and snipers, who harass the enemy by targeting officers and leaders.
Green Jackets
Light Infantry

Riflemen are skirmishers and snipers without peer, picking off leaders to sow confusion in enemy ranks.
Green JacketsInfantry 步兵680170
84 ratings 個評分 Great unit 非常推薦
Riflemen are skirmishers and snipers without peer, picking off leaders to sow confusion in enemy ranks.
Units List 兵種單位
Fixed Artillery

A saker is an old-fashioned style of light cannon, deployed in a fixed position.
Fixed Artillery

A demi-cannon is a heavy artillery piece from the previous century, deployed in a fixed battlefield position.
4-inch Mortar Battery
Fixed Artillery

A mortar is a large calibre, fixed artillery piece that lobs an explosive shell in a high arc at the enemy.
Rocket Troop
Fixed Artillery

War rockets are a terrifying device, capable of carrying different kinds of warhead and of causing utter panic in their targets.
24-lber Foot Artillery

Foot artillery batteries are the core of an army on campaign: the weapons that win battles and batter down walls.
12-lber Howitzer Foot Artillery

Howitzers send shells plunging into enemy formations and over defences, making cover irrelevant.
24-lber Howitzer Foot Artillery

Howitzers send shells plunging into enemy formations and over defences, making cover irrelevant.
12-lber Foot Artillery

Foot artillery batteries are the core of an army on campaign: the weapons that win battles and batter down walls.
24-lber Foot Artillery

Foot artillery batteries are the core of an army on campaign: the weapons that win battles and batter down walls.
Puckle Guns

The Puckle gun is a tripod-mounted repeating heavy musket or small cannon, capable of rapid fire.
3-lber Horse Artillery
Horse Artillery

Intended to keep up with rapidly-advancing mounted forces, horse artillery batteries have a touch of “cavalry dash” about them.
6-lber Horse Artillery
Horse Artillery

Intended to keep up with rapidly-advancing mounted forces, horse artillery batteries have a touch of “cavalry dash” about them.
Heavy Cavalry
Heavy Cavalry

These cavalrymen see themselves as elite. It is their job to smash into enemy units and destroy them utterly.
Life Guards
Heavy Cavalry

The royal guard cavalrymen are all gentlemen, hand picked to protect the person of the sovereign.
Horse Guards
Heavy Cavalry

Horse Guards are an elite heavy cavalry unit, with a fierce reputation and deadly sabres.
East India Company Lancers
Lancer Cavalry

These cavalrymen are armed with a long spear or lance that makes them particularly deadly when charging.
Colonial Light Cavalry
Light Cavalry

Light cavalry are used to screen an army and act as its eyes and ears; they can also pursue fleeing enemies and keep them from regrouping.
Mounted Tribal Auxiliary
Missile Cavalry

These tribesmen are willing to fight for European gold, and a musket apiece.

These locally recruited cavalry are a valuable aid in keeping order.
Regiment of Horse

These cavalry are shock troops, intended to charge into melee and deliver terrible blows with their straight swords.
East India Company Cavalry

Recruited to fight in India, company cavalry are mercenaries fighting for the great trading companies.
Native Indian Cavalry

Sipahis are superb horsemen and their ornate lances are deadly when brought to bear at the charge.
General's Bodyguard

These tough warriors and soldiers have only one task: keeping their commander alive and well in the swirling chaos of battle.

Despite appearances, dragoons are not really cavalry but mounted line infantry, riding into a battle then fighting on foot.
Colonial Dragoons

Despite appearances, dragoons are not really cavalry but mounted line infantry, riding into a battle then fighting on foot.
Light Dragoons

Light dragoons are mounted skirmishers, riding to a fight then engaging the enemy on foot.
Coldstream Guards
Elite Infantry

The reputation of these elite soldiers and the example they set provides encouragement to comrades nearby.
Republican Guard
Elite Infantry

The Republican Guard are the elite of the nation, proud to fight for their people and unwavering in the defence of their hard-won liberties.
Elite Infantry

The elite foot guards are charged with protecting the persons of the monarch and the royal family.
The Black Watch
Elite Infantry

The reputation of these elite soldiers and the example they set provides encouragement to comrades nearby.

Grenadiers are large, strong men, armed with muskets and carrying bags of bombs to hurl at the enemy’s ranks.

These irregular troops are often poorly equipped and ill-disciplined, but they can be a very effective, mobile “mob”.
Native Musketmen Auxiliary

These tribesmen are willing to fight for European gold, and a musket apiece.
Native American Musketeers

These tribesmen are willing to fight for European gold, and a musket apiece.
Light Infantry
Light Infantry

Light infantry are skirmishers who harass the enemy while screening the main body of an army.
Colonial Light Infantry
Light Infantry

Light infantry are skirmishers who harass the enemy while screening the main body of an army.
Chasseurs Britanniques
Light Infantry

Expatriate infantry are exiles in another nation’s service: men with nothing left to lose but their lives.
Green Jackets
Light Infantry

Riflemen are skirmishers and snipers without peer, picking off leaders to sow confusion in enemy ranks.
Ferguson Riflemen
Light Infantry

Ferguson Riflemen are scouts and snipers, who harass the enemy by targeting officers and leaders.
Line Infantry
Line Infantry

These musket-armed troops use massed volleys to break an enemy, relying on discipline to withstand any counter fire.
Line Infantry

Recruited by colonial powers, these indigenous Indian infantry are renowned for their loyalty and resilience.
African Native Infantry
Line Infantry

These musket-armed troops use massed volleys to break an enemy, relying on discipline to withstand any counter fire.
Hessian Line Infantry
Line Infantry

These musket-armed troops use massed volleys to break an enemy, relying on discipline to withstand any counter fire.
Colonial Line Infantry
Line Infantry

These musket-armed troops use massed volleys to break an enemy, relying on discipline to withstand any counter fire.
East India Company Infantry
Line Infantry

Raised in India, these European mercenaries do not fight “for king and country” but for the great East Indies trading companies.
Line Infantry
Line Infantry

These musket-armed troops use massed volleys to break an enemy, relying on discipline to withstand any counter fire.
Melee Infantry

Pikemen carry long spears of a type that would have been familiar to the soldiers of Alexander the Great.
Melee Infantry

Recruited by colonial powers, these indigenous Indian infantry are renowned for their loyalty and resilience.

These musket-armed troops are recruited to defend their own locality, not carry the war to an enemy’s land.
Colonial Militia

These musket-armed troops are recruited to defend their own locality, not carry the war to an enemy’s land.

These men are legally compelled to serve in the army, on pain of imprisonment or death. As a result, they may not be the most enthusiastic of soldiers!
Dahomey Amazons

These merciless female warriors, armed with rifles, are rightly feared by men for their aggression in battle.

These elite light infantrymen are trained in wilderness warfare and taught to survive in harsh conditions.

These elite light infantrymen are trained in wilderness warfare and taught to survive in harsh conditions.
Colonial Militia

These musket-armed troops are recruited to defend their own locality, not carry the war to an enemy’s land.
Rogers' Rangers

These elite light infantrymen are trained in wilderness warfare and taught to survive in harsh conditions.

A brig is a lightly armed, small, two-masted sailing ship, much prized for its exceptional handling and sailing qualities.

A brig is a lightly armed, small, two-masted sailing ship, much prized for its exceptional handling and sailing qualities.

A sloop of war is usually ketch-rigged with two masts. These small vessels handle well in restricted waters.

A sloop of war is usually ketch-rigged with two masts. These small vessels handle well in restricted waters.
Admiral's Flagship, 5th Rate

Flagship frigates are single-deck warships, combining good handling, firepower and endurance at sea.
Fifth Rate
5th Rate

Frigates are single-deck warships, used for a variety of tasks thanks to a combination of good handling, firepower and endurance at sea.
Fifth Rate
5th Rate

Frigates are single-deck warships, used for a variety of tasks thanks to a combination of good handling, firepower and endurance at sea.

A razee is a robust frigate, created by cutting the top deck off a larger ship of the line.
Sixth Rate
6th Rate

A sixth rate is the smallest class of frigate. It is a useful scout for slow battle fleets, and usually has excellent handling characteristics.
Carronade Frigate
6th Rate

Carronade frigates are single-deck vessels, with extremely impressive short-range firepower.
Steam Ship

A steamship still uses sails, but the ability to ignore the wind is highly desirable in a warship.
Light Galley
Light Galley

Light galleys have sails and oars, and light cannons mounted on platforms above the rowers’ benches.
Medium Galley

Galleys are propelled by both oars and sails, with cannons on firing platforms above the rowers’ heads.
Admiral's Flagship, 3rd Rate

The third rate is a compromise between firepower and handling. A stable gun platform, it also makes a good flagship.
Admiral's Flagship, 1st Rate

The first rate is the largest type of “ship of the line of battle”, intended to be the command ships at the centre of any fleet.
First Rate Ship of the Line
1st Rate

The first rate is the largest type of “ship of the line of battle”, intended to be the centre of any fleet. These are very expensive and powerful vessels.
Fourth Rate Ship of the Line
4th Rate

The fourth rate is the smallest vessel styled a “ship of the line” (of battle), carrying as many as 60 guns.
Heavy First Rate
Over 1st Rate

For some navies big is never quite big enough! This oversized “first rate ship of the line” is more a floating fortress than a mere battleship.
HMS Victory
Over 1st Rate

HMS Victory is a first rate ship of the line, carrying some 100 guns and a crew of more than 800 men.
Second Rate Ship of the Line
2nd Rate

The second rate is a three-deck “Battle Ship of the Line” carrying up to 98 cannons, a powerful unit in any fleet.
Third Rate Ship of the Line
3rd Rate

The third rate is an excellent compromise between firepower and handling qualities. A stable gun platform, it has more guns than many whole armies!
Indiaman (Trade Ship)

The Indiaman is an armed merchant ship, strongly built for the trade routes between Europe and the East. It is not a warship, but can defend itself in need.
Bomb Ketch
Bomb Ketch

The “bomb” is a floating weapons platform, usually adapted from a small, two-masted ketch. The whole ship is constructed around a single large-calibre mortar.
Rocket Ship
Rocket Ship

A rocket ship is a floating arsenal, usually converted from a two-masted ketch-rigged vessel. The whole ship is given over to a rocket battery and the necessary stores.
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