Do Social Networking Sites Play An Important Role In Your Life

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What role did social media play in the riots?

What is the role of media in achieving social change?

To achieve Social change, Media should give their viewers and readers (for print media) a sensible programs or articles that can promote social change. Media play a significant role in social awareness, thus it is their responsibility to inform and educate people.

News Delivery. One way social media is playing a great role in our lives is the way news is delivered. The digital age has seen a drop in the amount of newspapers sold and the number of people reading these news sources. A high number of people prefer to access their profiles on social media first before visiting news sites.

Role of mass media in social changes?

To achieve Social change, Media should give their viewers and readers (for print media) sensible programs or articles that can promote social change. Media play a significant role in social awareness, thus it is their responsibility to inform and educate people.

What role do social media play in an SEO strategy?

  • Social networking sites play an important role in the lives of many young people. Over 60% of 13-17 year olds have at least one profile on a social networking site, many spending more than two hours per day on social networking sites. Social networking sites can present opportunities to youth who participate with them, but like any activity there are also associated risks. It is important for parents to help their children use these sites wisely. Some potential benefits are: Staying.
  • Guest Post by Nancy R Jones, a writer and blogger for Marvist Consulting LLC. Social media marketing is one of the most important types of online marketing where small businesses are marketing their products/services and brands on social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, etc.

Social Media do play an important role in SEO.GOogle like search engine gives importance to this type of sites as lots of activity always occurs in social media sites like facebook and searchengine bots regularly updates this types of sites. So in my view it has a very important role.

What is the social institution that plays a crucial role in social movements as they act as the gatekeepers of information that can either promote or defeat the movement?

Mass Media - The mass media play such a crucial role that we can say they are the gatekeepers to social movements.

What role does social media play in an SEO strategy?

Social media plays a very important role in seo because it serves as the smarter ways to measure the popularity of a website. Several reasons are identified that social media is important part of your website marketing and SEO strategy because it has proved that link building is all about social proofing. Being updated in the social media will have the benefit of crowd source and its the fastest way to multiply your presence online.

What role does the media play in educating the youth of France?

What is the role of social media in the marketing of goods and services?

Social media has an increasing rolde in the marketing of goods and services. Companies have turned to social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, for marketing their products. They use social media to place ads, coupons and reach out to consumers.

What happens when media is allowed to play its role unchecked?

when media is allowed to play its role unchecked they can easily show something out of the peoples league and that can have a negative impact on the public.

What role does social media have to play in pr?

With the way social media is steamrolling traditional media I'd say it's the main character. Instant updates with real time, actual human interaction. A company can now see their demographic's wants and needs. With social media, a human interest story involving a major corporation can go viral in an instant. The hems and haws of an entire contingent can be heard and responded to en masse. While the adulation of the same contingent can be… Read More

What is the role of social media?

Do Social Networking Sites Play An Important Role In Your Life Lyrics

Social networks reach nearly every imaginable demographic. Online advertisers and marketers are very aware of the power of social media. Social media and online marketing do make a great combination, there is a distinct difference between correlation and causation.

The difference between status and role is that?

we occupy a status which is a social position but play a role which is a social expectation

What role does media play in forming public opinion and public policy?

what role did public opinion play in the American political system

What role does Zelda play in the media?

Do you believe that social media played a direct role in the spread of the Middle Eastern protests?

%101 that yes!! of course!! how else do you think that the protest leaders spread the word if not through social media...?!

Is media responsible for social responsibility?

Yes, it is! Media should be aware of their responsibilities as they play significant role in society specially on informing and educating the people with the current and pressing issues that may directly affect them. They should also be sensible on every programs and contents (for print media) that they offer to the public.

What role parent should play in overseeing their child's involvement in social networking website?

Parents should consider a child's maturity before allowing the child to have social media accounts. The parents should limit the amount of time the child spends on social media. Parents should also keep the lines of communication open with their child so that they can tell if there are any negative influences on the child from social networking.

From your reading about the Progressive Era what role can the media play in relation to social political and economic issues?

In the Progressive Era, the media had played a new role in revealing the corruption, problems, and excesses of society, especially through yellow journalism and muck-racking. One could infer, if they believe the type of media was effective then, that the modern media could become more involved in trying to highlight and alleviate socio-political and -economic issues.


What is the role of media for people social communication?

media, is the middle man in this equation. but at the same time how people process information is based solely on their judgement

In which form of government did social status play a role?

What social role does journalism play?

Journalism can be very socially influential. The stories portrayed on popular media are sometimes the only ones that most people hear, so they greatly influence public opinion.

What role did the media play in the Spanish-American War?

A critical role in keeping the pot boiling and the public informed.

Does the media play a very big role in the election process?

The media plays a huge role in the election process. It greatly influences how people feel about the candidates. Also, the media controls the kinds of information people get to hear about the candidates.

Role of computers in media?

What role does Social Security play in government revenue?

Social Security is the second largest source of revenue

What role in the economics of society did the trades play in Victorian England?

How does humor play a role in social interaction in everyday life?

The role of the media in poverty reduction?

What is the role of media in student's life?

What is the role of transmission media in the data communication?

What role did the media play in helping the country mobilize?

The media depicted the enemy as inhuman, which rallied the 'red blooded American' to defend his family against the invaders.


What is role of family and social problem?

Family play vital role in the society because it mantain sanitation in the society and so on

What positive role does the media play in the society?

The media plays an important and positive role in the society in providing news and discussing events taking place all around the world on this basis citizen can learn how the government works.

What is the Importance of Computers in Media and Entertainment?

Computers are now-a-days play a major role in entertaining the people.

What is the role of social media tools in knowledge management?

Knowledge management is a process of gaining, creating, sharing, and effectively using organizational knowledge. Using an efficient tool for social media management, you can help to know about the competitor's strategies and performance which can help in developing a better strategy for marketing. Social media tools can help to make the best use of the knowledge for the betterment of business.

Cite instances of how personal and social factor influence perception?

Personal and social factors influencing perception usually come from the same source. The media plays a large role in social and individual perception because it only takes a few in society to be influenced by the media before it influences more individuals.

What role does stratification play in social stratification?

social Stratification allows the function to run smoothly and authority and power is well defined so there will be ambiguity and time waste and role conflict

Role of a Media Manager in an Advertising Agency?

I was said that Social Media Planning agency always ensures that the message which is prepared appeals to consumers at the right time. What would you suggest that are right roles?

What is the role of the media in quality management?

Media and advertising play a large role in quality management. If a show or news station covers a product and gives it good reviews, it will instill security in the consumer, making them feel safe in purchasing it.

What role did social class play in the outsiders?

They were kind of like the antagonists. They were the rich kids.

What role does the government policies play in enforcing cultural values and social norms?

What is the role of social media in marketing of goods and services?

Social Media is a great boon for marketing goods & services. It gives marketers a way to attract target audience and communicate with potential consumers. It personalizes the 'business' and helps you to spread your message in a conversational way. It provides an identity to the brand. If you want people to follow, you don't just talk about the latest product news, but share your presence with them. With the emergence of social media, the… Read More

What is the role of the Internet and social media in a nonprofit organizations ability to successfully meet its mission?

A nonprofit organization's main challenge is the cost of promotions, All social media, works perfectly for these or small organizations to curb their expenditures while maximizing their impact on their target market.

What is the role and function of media and advertisement in your society?

What is the role and function of media and advertisement in your society

What social psychological and or aesthetic role did the chorus serve in the play 'Antigone'?

The social role of the chorus is the voicing of consensus and conflict within Thebes. The psychological role is the articulating of the conflicts within the minds of the main characters. And the aesthetic role is the representation of the community onstage.

Which sociological perspective would likely contend that the role of the mass media is to provide socialization enforce social norms through public events and create social stability and cohesion?

What is the role of the media in developing a nation?

There is a great role that media plays in helping a developing nation. Media reaches out to countries that can help.

Should religions have a role to play in solving social problems?

It would depend on the society in which you are referring to.

What role did Thomas Paine play in the American Revolution?

he influenced the colonists about the social contract idea

What role does credit play in the social stratification system in the US?

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Social media has had an enormous impact on businesses. Platforms such as Twitter, YouTube and Facebook are used to not only promote brands and advertise new products but also are effective media that provide customer service and resolve disputes. While a small business owner does not always need to hire a separate social media team, some staff members should be adept in selecting and using one or more platforms. In addition, these team numbers will need to be flexible enough to balance off-line work responsibilities with tasks related to the 24/7 nature of online culture.

Importance of Social Media Branding

For many companies, social media and business come together to provide unparalleled branding opportunities. Brands both old and new can establish or reinvent themselves online through social media profiles, sharing of content and platform based advertising. In recent years, many companies have primarily built their following, and their revenue, through social media posts and ads.

Profiles: Establishing a social media presence begins with a profile. Business profiles differ across platforms, but usually include a company name and logo, details the industry that the business and habits, and basic contact information including a website address and phone number. In some cases, businesses will also include hours of operation.

Content sharing: The key to social media success is sharing quality content that enhances a brand, provides needed information or entertainment, and that establishes a brand as credible. The types of content shared depends on the platform, but typically includes links to industry articles, photographs and videos.

Advertising: Most social media platforms offer the opportunity to pay for advertising. While not all businesses opt to purchase ads, many have had a great deal of success in doing so.

Influencers: There are many bloggers, podcasters, and video producers who choose to focus on specific niche interests in the production of their content. Several of these creators become very well known in specific industries not because they have industry work experience, but because their content is influential. These 'influencers' are often targeted by businesses for promoting products.

The relationship between a business and an influencer typically involves providing the influencer with free or deeply discounted products will review or otherwise promote the product online. This could take the form of a relatively straightforward review in a video or blog post, or may involve wearing or using the product in content while giving a shout out to the product brand.

Small Business Content-sharing Example

Sharon is the owner of SparkleStars, a new cosmetics company that features mineral-based cosmetics. Along with her director of marketing, Sharon begins a comprehensive social media content sharing campaign.

Each day, Sharon and her team comb the web and news outlets for information that may be of interest to SparkleStars' customers and potential customers. Because Sharon has done some market research, she knows that her clientele is concerned about the environment, self-care and, at least in some cases, avoiding irritating skin products.

While the SparkleStars team shares its own company’s content, such as blog posts, news of new products, video demonstrations and recent media mentions, it is careful to balance self-promoting content with that by third-parties. In fact, the team has established a ratio of sharing four pieces of third-party content to every one piece of SparkleStars' content.

With every piece of content shared, the marketing team adds appropriate hashtags that indicate the topic under consideration. In addition, when possible, the marketing team also adds the username of the personality or company referenced in the content such that the person or business being referenced get a notification that the content has been shared.

Over time, SparkleStars began to get content “likes” and other forms of attention from the businesses and personalities that it showcased in its content. This led to greater recognition for SparklesStars, as well as added credibility.

Online Customer Service

Social media has given rise to a new channel for customer service. Not long ago, customers who had a complaint or needed assistance with their products typically had to reach businesses by phone, email, or website based chat. However, some companies have dedicated social media customer service teams that specialize in addressing customer complaints and concerns within specific platforms.

The decision to offer social media-based customer service arose after frustrated customers began taking their complaints to social media when other channels failed. In some cases, these 'callouts' resulted in embarrassment for companies, so addressing problems directly so that other platform users could see the correspondence, made sense.


  • The shift toward social media, chat, and email customer service has represented a major sea-change for businesses. In previous years, customer service was often offered by phone. After email became widely available, customer service representatives had to have solid written communication skills. Now that communications are taking place on social media platforms, the need for strong written communication skills has increased for those taking on a customer service social media role.

Recruiting and Human Resources

Many recruiters, hiring managers and human resources professional rely on social media for recruiting and evaluating job candidates. Unless recruiter or hiring manager is personally acquainted with a job applicant, reviewing her social media accounts can give the hiring manager some insight into her character, interests and personality.

In some cases, social media research can also provide a hiring manager with a better understanding of the applicant’s competency. For example, if the applicant appears to have strong writing skills and frequently shares industry related content with perceptive comments, a hiring manager may be more assured of the applicant's expertise and professionalism.

Small Business Hiring Example

Darren is the owner of a small tech startup that produces a personal styling app. He is looking to hire a team of personal stylists who are willing to provide fashion guidance to app users. When he places a job ad, he finds himself deluged with email responses.

While such a large response means that Darren has his pick of workers, he is also concerned about selecting the right styles for his business. He begins checking out the social media profiles of his most promising applicants. He notices that several of the applicants demonstrate a unique style photographs that have been posted in their social media accounts.

In addition, he also notices that three applicants, in particular, have developed beautifully curated fashion boards on Pinterest. He realizes that these individuals have a good eye for fashion and should be able to identify pieces that will work for their online clients. Darren schedules interviews and ends up hiring all three for his new team.

Do social networking sites play an important role in your life movie

Tracking Employee Behavior

Some human resources departments use social media to monitor the behavior of current employees. This can be a controversial tactic but may be useful in situations where business and employee are in conflict. For example, if an employee claims to be ill and unable to come to work, but social media photos show him as clearly being out and about, human resources can take action regarding the worker's absenteeism.

Another area of controversy is the practice by some employers of firing or otherwise penalizing employees for things that employees have said online. In some cases, employers may terminate the employment of workers who express racist, sexist or violent sentiments online.

This may be done for reasons of brand protection, but it may also be a step taken to protect the work environment. Racist employees, for example, may create a hostile workplace and threatening employees may present a physical threat to other workers.

Small Business Tracking Example

The director has a small, but growing, daycare center. In her employee handbook, she informs employees that racist and other discriminatory attitudes are not acceptable in her daycare center, and that expression of hateful sentiments will result in termination.

One day, Karri receives a phone call from an upset parent of a child in the school. The parent had been online and found out that she had a friend in common with one of Karri’s employees, Jessica. When the parent viewed Jessica’s profile, she was upset to find out that Jessica was repeating racial slurs and posting memes that insulted members of other ethnic groups.

Karri checked out Jessica’s profile herself and verified the presence of the objectionable content. She also did a bit of digging to ensure that Jessica had placed the material there herself. When Jessica came to work the next day, Karri informed Jessica that she was fired.

Jessica protested that the Facebook page was part of her private life, but Karri noted that Jessica couldn’t effectively care for children of other ethnic groups while holding such negative views.

Event Planning & Promotion

Businesses that plan events such as sales, product debuts, online demonstrations, live shows or parties often make use of social media platforms to invite guests, encourage RSVPs and provide updated information on any changes to a party's location, date or time.

Facebook is known for its Events function, which allows users to schedule events, send out invitations, include directions, and collect acceptances and declines. In addition, this function also sends periodic reminders to invitees and attendees.

Other social media platforms, such as Twitter and LinkedIn, also provide opportunities for informing people of events. Photos and videos can also be included in social media event promotion to generate excitement and, after the event, show non-attendees what they missed.

Small Business Events Example

Lynne's Strawberries is a small, local business that specializes in chocolate-dipped strawberries. The family that runs the company takes particular pride in the fact that they use local fruits when in season. Every year, Lynne’s Strawberries holds a harvest day party when the first crop of strawberries is picked and delivered to their shop. It is a fun time, with strawberry dipping demonstrations, food, beverages and a bouncy house for the kids.

The owners of Lynne’s want to get the word out to as many people as possible, in their community. In addition to putting up signs in their store, Lynne's also send out an event invitation on Facebook to everybody who has liked their page. Lynne’s was able to use the event page to grow interest in the event, as well as gauging how many people to expect.

Two days before the event, weather reports indicate that a significant storm is expected to pass through the region on the day of the party. Lynne’s staff decides to reschedule the party, and uses the event feature to seamlessly reschedule the party and send notices out to everyone.

When the newly scheduled big day arrives, Lynne’s Strawberries hosts a fine party. In fact, attendance is the highest it has ever been, and the shop’s sales numbers for the weekend break its own sales records.

References (4)

Resources (2)

About the Author

Lainie Petersen is a full-time freelance writer living in Chicago. She has written on part-time, full-time and freelance employment for a variety of online and offline publications. She holds a master's degree in library and information science from Dominican University.

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Petersen, Lainie. 'Role of Social Media in Organizations.' Small Business -, 24 March 2019.
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Petersen, Lainie. 'Role of Social Media in Organizations' last modified March 24, 2019.
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